Vanishing Tallinn

A technological adventure-production in the cityscape

No, Tallinn is not actually going anywhere. It’s a functional, dazzling and buzzing city. Tallinn grows, rises and expands even as you’re reading this.

And yet we find black holes within Tallinn – backyards and dark corners, overgrown pathways and fields that are losing their meaning in our ultra-pricey and über-efficient city. These blurry, undefined places are the ones with the most interesting stories to tell and the most potential…

Our main character leads a group on an expedition to show them their very own, personal Tallinn. They also want to share their plan with the group. It’s a grand, important plan (maybe even revolutionary!) but they need the help of the group to make it a reality. This is how the group becomes a part of the whole, capturing events, the journey and themselves, if they so wish. From these clips, a short film will be made by our algorithm, which will be screened during the second act of the story at Sakala 3 theatre house.

In 2023, VAT Theatre slowly cracked open the door of technological participation theatre with “Vivarium”. “Vanishing Tallinn” now bravely takes a step in.

Premiere: May 30th, 2024 in four different locations in Tallinn


Idea author and director: Sander Põldsaar

Locator and author of the exhibition: Francesco Rosso

Developer: Helena Väinmaa

Dramaturg: Mihkel Seeder

Acting coach: Aare Toikka

Costume Designer- prop woman: Johanna Tamm

Cast: Elina Reinold, Loviise Kapper, Meelis Põdersoo, Margo Teder

Traveling companions: Viivi Palm, Jane Perko, Pirte Laura Lember, Maria Valk, Tuule Jõks, Sandra Kuus, Helen Rekkor, Mihkel Seeder, Rasmus Järvesaar


Contact us
VAT Teater MTÜ
National Library Theatre Hall
Tõnismägi 2 (location)
10122 TallinnEstland

Mail address: Endla 3, 10122 Tallinn

VAT No. EE 100 744 512
(+372) 6 450 959
(+372) 6 307 272
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