We recently launched a little Thank-You-Trailer looking back to fantastic but also challenging 5 years of PlayOn! Watch the trailer here.
Utopia Concreta aims to celebrate 25 years of relationship with international projects and the various European meetings that have taken place at our site in Palmela since 1999.
Brannen is an interactive performance where the audience actively participates through digital tools, scenic experiences, and city walks, making choices throughout the story in an innovative way.
After 5 years it is time to reflect. The start 2019 was a game jam and also 2024 board games were used and playfully transformed to form the basis for deep evaluation talks.
A part of the final meeting in Tallinn in September 2024 was the last Hope! conference in the frame of PlayOn consisting of keynote speeches from Hawaii USA, Italy and Estonia.
The third and final bulletin was published and firstly delivered during the Evaluation Meeting in Tallinn, in September 2024.
On the 3rd July, JugendTanzTheaterBallettDortmund premiered their production of Picasso. The life and work of Pablo Picasso was dedicated to art and its expression. In order to bring the artist’s work to life, the JugendTanzTheater of the Theater Dortmund teamed up with the Academy for Theatre and Digitality to bring a new digital touch to...
Premier: May 30th 2024 Four groups in different locations simultaneously start their journeys – all lead by one actor or actress. Participants are given smart phones with which they will take short clips of the environment and record texts. After the four journeys are over, all participants travel to the theatre house to see a...
Kolibri Színház’s new youth production, premiered on May 4, 2024. Their latest PlayOn! coproduction invites the audience on a special journey through time and space using immersive technologies and interactive elements. Realized within the framework of the ’Budapest Grand Novel’ project Urbán legendák – A tartozás / Urban Legends – The Debt invites the spectators...
This Digital Campus took place at Teatro O Bando in Palmela, Portugal. PlayOn! Two students from each partner university attended this three-day hackathon. Each theatre can send an additional person for the presentation of the results of the Digital Campus (on Saturday, 16 March). Whereas the previous Digital Campus in Krakow was at the new...
Teatret Vårt hosted the partners Advisory Board members to fine-tune the 2024 activities, in particular to reflect the #3 production process in each country and to start preparing the evaluation meeting in Tallinn autumn 2024.
Beside the HOPE! #3 conference one full day of training was offered to all partners to enhance the production processes of the #3 productions as parts of the D&T Labs.
At the newly opened Academy for Theatre and Digitality the 2023 issue of the HOPE! conference took place. The first time in real after 2 year of online presence due to the pandemic.
AI is everywhere. From writing screenplays to composing music, it influences the creative landscape in so many ways. Let’s unravel the endless possibilities and challenges AI brings to the world together. Join us at the upcoming HOPE conference. This year’s theme is the intersection between artificial intelligence and authorship. The international network for digital theatre...
On 9th September 2023 we had the honor to present PlayOn! to a worldwide public during #arselectronica23 and to intensify our networking activities. And of course to promote the two public runs of the youth encounter FUTURE ECHOES: September 11 at 18 September 12 at 11
We live surrounded by technology. The most frequent communication is no longer between humans and humans, but between machines and machines. There is no value judgment about this fact. It is just a consciousness that activates thought and that must lead to concrete action. In the frame of PlayOn! project, FUTURE ECHOES is a theatrical...
Embedded in the PlayOn!-Festival during the Theatre Olympics 2023 in Budapest the marketing staff from the partner theaters met for a second time in real (after Linz 2020 – and several online meetings) . Main topic was the exchange on how the partners marketed and communicated their respective PlayOn! – co-productions. And of course see...
„Hold on tight! Wait! I… I’ve been here before! …but something’s changed. This building… it has been here before, but now it’s… it’s kind-of new! Is this the new place to tell our stories? What happened to our old place? Where is it? Or,more precisely, when is it?“ Unknown time traveller at Teatr Ludowy, in...
Pilot Theatre and Teatret Vårt met in Alesund at the University to explore micro controllers to make interactive props. The collaboration ran across two days and was facilitated by Johannes Payr and Peter Lorenz from the Akademie für Theater und Digitalität Dortmund. Each theatre commonly explored the application of this technology for their productions The Dream...
At the beginning of May 2022, the Advisory Board of PlayOn! met in Berlin, Germany. The meeting took place during the re:publica, one of the biggest conferences for the digital society in Europe. During three days talks and workshops about various topics are held, ranging from media and culture over politics and technology to entertainment....