Hope! 2023 Conference

AI is everywhere. From writing screenplays to composing music, it influences the creative landscape in so many ways. Let’s unravel the endless possibilities and challenges AI brings to the world together. Join us at the upcoming HOPE conference. This year’s theme is the intersection between artificial intelligence and authorship.

The international network for digital theatre PlayOn!! is organizing the 3rd HOPE conference. On October 2nd, 2023, for the first time as a hybrid event, it will take place at the Academy for Theatre and Digitality in Dortmund. Presentations and workshops by international experts from theatre and technology will provide insights into how artificial
intelligence will influence the future of art.

Come by and take part in the academy or watch the talks later in our media library.

Participation is free. If you would like to be there, register at hope@play-on.eu.

First Talk
AI – an indispensable partner in creative practice

by Marian Ursu

Using a few examples from the history of art and a simple taxonomy emphasising the role of emotion in creativity , Marian will uncover key roles that AI could have in creative practice and then question whether AI itself is or could be creative. Whilst being a strong supporter of AI developments, he will also discuss in brief some of the possible negative impacts of AI on human culture and society, concluding that it is not the intelligent machines that are to be feared, but ourselves. Yet, fear not! Humanity has gone through quite a few landslide changes caused by major innovations in science and technology, and this is only just another one. AI will soon become a commonplace partner in creative processes, but always ultimately directed by us.

Watch here.

Second Talk
Can AI also do scenography?

Pamela C. Scorzin,

Vice Dean of the Department of Design at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts and
Guest editor of the KUNSTFORUM International themed volumes „AI Art. New New Positions and Technicised Aesthetics. (2021) and „Mixed Realities. New New Realities in Art.“ (2023), discusses the influence of artificial
examples from the arts, will discuss the influence of artificial intelligence on contemporary scenographic practice and performance.
Among other things, questions about artistic authorship, authenticity and originality, co-creativity and collaboration in a network of human and and non-human actors, as well as the aesthetics of the new technicised of the new technologised images, objects and installations.

Watch here.

Third Talk

Björn Lengers

works together with Marcel Karnapke since 2016 in the Berlin-based digital performing arts collective CyberRäuber. Their work – according to leading German theatre magazine „Theater der Zeit“ – is characterized by „an arguably unique blend of affinity for technology, pioneering spirit, pragmatism and love of theatre“.

CyberRäubers‘ Virtual Reality projects bring theatre elements (spoken and musical theatre, ballet) into virtual spaces, where they can be directly experienced by visitors. Their stage pieces use digital technologies as creative and immersive tools for artists and visitors. The collective has recently made waves with their „neural theatre“-pieces, using artificial art on stage.

Driven by curiosity and the belief in a great future for theatre, Karnapke and Lengers are experts for the digital exploration of theatrical traditions. Their work is shown internationally in theatres, festivals and galleries. Björn Lengers now starts his fellowship residence at the Academy for Theatre and Digitality.

Watch here.

Contact us
VAT Teater MTÜ
National Library Theatre Hall
Tõnismägi 2 (location)
10122 TallinnEstland

Mail address: Endla 3, 10122 Tallinn

VAT No. EE 100 744 512
(+372) 6 450 959
(+372) 6 307 272
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