Inspired by several dystopian novels and “The emperor’s new clothes” by H C Andersen. New clothes is a big issue in this emperor’s rule. He is a popstar who sings concerts as often as possible, wearing his brand new clothes. 

We are in a utopian universe were there are no diseases, no sorrow, no anger, no boredom, no unpleasantness. The audience is invited in to the palace of the emperor attending a consert of the popstar emperor. The theatre audience are invited in to the heart of the palace, where the emperor is greeted and where he sings his clothes at any hour. Suddenly, someone from «the outside» appears as a visitor. She has a sort of mystery quest within a fairytale utopia. She is looking for her family and for christmas, both of them has disappeared, in her opinion. It turns out that both her family and christmas itself has turned unrecognizable, stashed up with fake or plastic extravaganza. Will she be able to reveal them, and what about her own secrets? Even though people want to prevent her from it, she tries her best to solve all the mysteries.

Through a specifically interactive game within an immersive audio-landscape, with robot vacuum cleaners contributing to the immersive experience and replaying things that are said/sung/played in the room, the audience will be involved in and confronted with several ethical problems and choices during the performance.

Creative Team

Actors | Amalie Sofie Ibsen Jensen, Benedikte Karine Sandberg, Anders Firing Aardal

Director | Ingrid Askvik

Set design and costumes | Ida Grimsgaard

Sound and music | Felipe Noriega

Lightning design | Jonas P A Fuglseth

Writer | Vera Krohn Svaleng and Ingrid Askvik

Premiere 14th of November 2020

Contact us
VAT Teater MTÜ
National Library Theatre Hall
Tõnismägi 2 (location)
10122 TallinnEstland

Mail address: Endla 3, 10122 Tallinn

VAT No. EE 100 744 512
(+372) 6 450 959
(+372) 6 307 272
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